Thursday, July 17, 2008

New site replacing Randland Baby Blog

Hi all. We have moved everything to a new site: I needed an excuse to learn CSS based web development and the blog tools were too limiting. For now just a lot more pictures but much more to come.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Getting caught up.....

Sorry all. Been a bit busy so way behind on posting to the blog. In the interest of getting everyone up to date I'll just post a time series of pictures. They are in order over the last 6 weeks. Enjoy....


Who are you....are you my mother?

Happy dreaming baby

(Perfect picture to show future dates)

Tai Chi Baby

What do you you have milk????

Grandma, don't go back to Korea - mommy and daddy have NO clue

If I look cute will you give me milk and not that stupid pacifier?

You break me you buy me!!

ZZZZZ and zzzzz

Clean at last, clean at last, thank God almighty I am clean at last!

Phew - glad you are local grandma! Mom and Dad still have no clue

I'm too sexy for my.....


Thank God for milk

Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me!!

Air guitar

Next stop, crawling

Grandpa gives me milk too. Cool!

No - I will not do the silly voice again

Bad bad bad bad bad bad hair day.....

Can I order milk on this thing???

I see you

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Less Text, More Pictures!!!

We know no one reads the text anyway....

Yet another cute Luke Picture (not that we are biased)

Going home....OOPS - forgot the socks

Luke gets into the "Welcome Home" dinner festivities
(legal disclaimer: no actual babies were served alcohol in the making of this image)

Father and son bonding

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Home with Luke

Babies who are late often provide one benefit; the ride to the hospital becomes a planned event with a set date and time to check in and start helping things along. For Joohee and I our outlook calendars said “Drive to Hospital” at 5:30pm Saturday February 9th. It almost felt like heading to a hotel for the weekend. We even had lots of movies and portable speakers for the computer in some delusional belief that we would be munching on room service and watching videos. On the drive over we realized Joohee had never stayed at a hospital, ridden in an ambulance, had an IV or broken a bone. This led to the obvious comparison to Lee who has been admitted to the hospital multiple times with various breaks, bleeding and bodily damage that has generally set his parents worrying a few too many times. “Who would Luke take after” was our final thought as we unloaded the car and headed in. Little did we know he would get an early start on making us worry.

Events went smoothly with an easy check in and no major complications. No time for movies but a dinner and a last night of solid sleep was accomplished. By the next morning some concerning signs had started to present themselves and while no alarm bells were going off everything stepped up a bit. Fast forward 12 hours through much of the drama and we were about 10 minutes from plan B with a dropping baby heart rate and a room full of two doctors, 4 nurses and a two person neonatal team standing by. Luke finally arrives at 8:10pm on Sunday in ok shape but with enough breathing and infection concerns that off he goes to newborn ICU. That night we get to see him and he is doing much better and the general consensus is he will stay for 48 hours to finish the test and then come on home.

Everything was tracking well through Monday and then Tuesday morning we were awakened by the news that Luke’s heart rate had fallen too low and they had to wake him up and get him moving to bring it back up. Nothing too concerning they assured us as his breathing kept up and he didn’t change colors (the Dr.’s words not ours) so it was probably just his body sorting out life outside mom. However, this meant they wanted to hold him through Thursday for more observations.

OK – this is getting nuts. Two days old and he has already had us on the emotional roller coaster. We swear we are never teaching this kid how to ski or ride a bike. He is staying at home reading and learning to play piano. OK – maybe we are overacting a bit. Wednesday came around and he was doing great. The Dr.’s said all was fine and we were free to take him home. All our anxiety fell away as we started packing up and signing papers to take him home. (We will never understand why we have to sign a form giving the hospital permission to give us our baby).

Wednesday night and we find ourselves in our own home with Luke. What a wonderful and magical event!

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.

Luke 2:40

Luke in NICU

Mom and Baby doing well

Getting ready to go home

Never too young to learn to read

How long can it be before that finger moves up a few inches?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Luke Minwoo Rand!!!

The Mini Thinker Contemplating Something....

Hi all. Much more news and updates to come later on once things settle down but I know the blog address is in circulation so wanted to get a picture and some stats up.

Born February 10, 2008 at 8:10 PM PST
Weight: 8lb 2oz
Length: 21 3/4 in
Mom is doing great, Luke is in good shape eating!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Twas two days after due date, with all planning loose

Baby stuff was apparent, but waiting for use...

The car seat was mounted in the backseat with care,

In hopes that our new baby soon would be here!

February 5th has come and gone with no baby yet. We are all set, excited and just waiting for life to change. I think excitement is an understatement but also a bit of apprehensiveness about the journey that is about to begin.

Pros: a new life, a new member of our outstanding family, someone to share the excitement and wonder in the world with, long talks walks and adventures....

Cons: (outside no sleep for a few months), can we get this right....??

...the adventure starts soon.....