Thursday, February 7, 2008


Twas two days after due date, with all planning loose

Baby stuff was apparent, but waiting for use...

The car seat was mounted in the backseat with care,

In hopes that our new baby soon would be here!

February 5th has come and gone with no baby yet. We are all set, excited and just waiting for life to change. I think excitement is an understatement but also a bit of apprehensiveness about the journey that is about to begin.

Pros: a new life, a new member of our outstanding family, someone to share the excitement and wonder in the world with, long talks walks and adventures....

Cons: (outside no sleep for a few months), can we get this right....??

...the adventure starts soon.....


Unknown said...

What a Nice way to start my day with a message from the Randland Baby Blog...

Can't wait for the continuing episodes of this happy saga!


Unknown said...

Cool poem - looking forward to the kid. Welcome to the brotherhood of sleep deprived fathers!

Unknown said...
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